Have given self an extended holiday, during which time I studied more than my actual holiday.
Currently in a strange hole, where I feel completely isolated from the rest of humanity... strange names everywhere... strange empty roads everywhere... strange busses.
Have told a total of ZERO friends of extended holiday... no special reason, just didn't...
Have realised that Flynn finds baby drool highly disgusting. Shall let you know how the ANUMA & UCMSA Ramadan Event go... was told not to expect much
Ramadan's almost half finished... can't believe it- almost in shock. Hence, must discontinue the bludging & continue with more reading (everyone should read "Even Angels Ask", Jeffery Lang, which I'm reading for the 2nd/3rd time).
I've stopped digging my hole & burying myself in there for a while only because philosophising runs in the family... apparently.
My du'as are with you all (may Allah forgive us).