Friday, April 27, 2012

Procrastination or death & (possible) rebirth

Can it still be called procrastination if there is a 4 year period of ... death/silence/deep & zombie-like sleep? Or perhaps an extreme & miraculous case of  hibernation?

Hmm... how best to sum up 4 years of wasted potential (assuming the existence of such)?

Facebook is quite adept at condensing one's lifetime into a short & banal timeline. Mine for example, includes: Birth....skip a few years to... Graduated High School (yes, I too understand why the highlights of my high school life were aptly summed up with the word "graduated")...skip more years to... Some degree/qualification from one or more University/ies...until we reach today. 

I guess nothing much has changed since...well...birth. I live, therefore I procrastinate.

OK, so the "nothing changed" part may be a tiny exaggeration, since there is now Little Lion Man/ Bear Cub (first nephew- who I think deserves one whole blog post just for him), a new brother-in-law (which means Ash is a Mum & a wife...boggles the mind, that), a new house (after a decade of living in a hole!- Note to future self: hire somebody to buy a house, fill out paperwork & attend boring meetings with stubborn solicitors...oh, and obviously become mega-filthy-rich prior to said purchase), a new job that became an old job when my registration came through (after 6/7 years of gaining unnecessary skills/knowledge when it feels mostly like I could just as easily BS my way through the world of the subtly torturous, man-eating,  money-hungry PBA. Another note to future self : working without pay is not called "volunteering", it is slave-labour and therefore, frowned upon in most societies...i.e.- don't do it!)

Feels good to have my writing legs back (no matter how atrophied the muscles have become- the bones are still there, and the marrow is what counts).

So there!