Heartbreaking news:
I haven't been this upset in a LONG time, but...
A revert brother (well, he WAS), has left Islam... and for what?
Well, am not too clear on his reasoning, but it's something to do with his disgust & disillusionment with the Muslim community... at least, those he's come accross. We're supposed to be "the best of natons", which we're clearly not. I'm told that because of our failure to be the best of nations, he's left Islam... I'm talking total apostasy here, folks.
I can only make Du'a that Allah shows him the truth. Not that my friends have given up on him... it's just that things have become complicated for them.
I'm just so sad because I've always seen him as having so much potential...
Helplessness is never a good feeling... instead, I think I'm going to make du'a.
I really need some good news...
yeah! We need to improve our state before we can attract others. I think I told you about my friend too! Also remember to always make dua that Allah doesn't take away the guidance after guiding us!
I think I know the feeling of helplessness! Take it easy kiddo, and make dua!
at a loss for words
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