Friday, August 12, 2005

WARNING: Names have been Altered

Problem of the week: How on Earth am I supposed to argue for Liberalism if I can't even grasp the main ideas behind this paradigm! But that's just a "note to self".

Getting down to the facts of the day, or rather the week, I've been up to much ado about nothing, and getting nowhere fast...
First and foremost- I have dropped down to Differential Equations- possibly the best decision I've ever made- and the work is so much better.
Chem. labs, unfortunately are still taking up 3 precious hrs of my life each week. This Sem. it's more fun. Lab B is definitely more, erm... enthusiastic/ lively/ interesting and what have you. Sam (not Sam the Leech, but Sam the girl, my partner Sami) and I had a fun day growing green, potentially harmful trees on filter paper! (It was actualy crystallised dichloromethane). And no- that was not part of the experiment. We also spent 3 hrs inhaling the toxic fumes given off by dichloromethane, which is said to be slightly carcinogenic. According to Sam, every time we have to sign something in Chem lab, it's an indication that we could very well die. A bit of a morbid perspective, if you ask me, but there might just be some truth to it...

That's all I have time for...


»|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

o ypu poor thing in the land of un-named horrors...i'll be released in another 5 months YAY!

Anonymous said...

released from what?

L said...

same question here. ur blogs too long!! could do with a summery...

»|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

released from uni and stuying...thats what!

Anonymous said...

nira apu we could also do with some blog from u.

flynn.t said...

This is a long blog?? Really?? Are you sure??

flynn.t said...

PS- Stop rubbing it in Nira Apu!!