Monday, May 30, 2005

Oh, the dreary and desolate days to come

Yes, pray for me fact, why don't you all just pray with me?!

The exams...those detestable, repugnent e***s, are looming in the horizon, like dark, stormy clouds that portend doom. Doom, I say!
Alright, alright- I can see you all getting your respective waepons out to murder me and put a stop to my depressive rants. Well, since I have been forbidden to write about my incidents on trains, I shall just have to rant and rave all I want about "that which should not be named" (and no, it isn't Voldemort, for all you Harry Potter manics.)

Now why, you all wonder, am I so despondent about e***s (it is synonymous to a swear word, to me anyway, so I refuse to write it!)? The reason is, my friends, that I have never been particularly good at the preparation part of the whole scenario. The acutal sitting and writing is a breeze, but all that comes before...well, let me just say that I don't know how we human beings survive!

This week shall be one of torute and unimaginable horror- what, with all those essays and assignments and quizzes and e***s, and need I go on? And more complaints about blasted titrations! I sincerely hope that this is the last week I'll have to titrate...for life! It is painful, but I've already told you all about my lab sessions, so here ends all complaints of labs.

Now, I shall end with how I began: pray for me people...I shall certainly be pestering the Divine One with all my prayers to do well...please, please, PLEASE!! Else, I shall never hear the end of it from a certain group of peple I refer to as my family. (*sigh*) Must be buzzing off now...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Those blasted trains! Is my nose still on my face?

I believe it has been long enough...yes, my abstinence has been well taken, I see. I have not been negligent, in fact, some would hold the opinion that I am obsessed with blogging. Well, I can tell you, that those who hold such opinions are also those who are obsessed with a certain website that has become the bane of Ash's existence.

Now, as for the goings-on of my pathetically (or perhaps, comfortably) mundane existance. Tuesdays make a very perturbed and haggard Flynn want to sleep through entire days, especially those involving 3hr lab sessions. Now, I know I have complained of this already, but I feel that my complaints have not done justice to the torturous hours I spend in the name of science. Anyway, what I find truly amazing is that, while in chemistry lab doing my titrations (tedious, I know), I spilled not one drop of chemical, not one glass pipette or conical flask slipped from my short, I was working wonders! Yes, fellow bloggers, congratulate your otherwise clumsy Flynn...Now, by the time lab finished, it was quite dark and dismal outside and Flynn did not feel like catching a train all the way back home. (As if there were any other options). The arduous journey back home was made worse...a hundred times worse... by the presence of one very worn out and odour dispensing team of school kids back from a footy game or perhaps it was an athletics carnival. Oh, dear...I feared that my nose would surely melt into my face or just plain fall off altogether.

My dear friends, I do not claim to understand why destiny holds that most of my train rides are to be...shall we say interesting? The vile stench, reek, deathly smell of a mix of sulphurous smoke and BO combined would have made the hardiest of men keel over right then and there. But all other passangers survived...somehow. Luckily, these school kids, being very late as it were, got off 3 stops later. And so, we all breathed a breath of relief, although traces of the putrscence remained.

And here I shall end my blabbering, for I must now hurry and catch that Chemistry lecture!
Goodbye all, and enjoy yourselves while there is no stench near you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


You know, they don't advertise this weather of ours for a reason.

I was on my merry way to the city...the sun was up with not a single cloud to mar the sky blue dome above me. Now, who would have expected that while I sat, unaware and nauseous in my lab, the perfect blue dome had decided to invite clouds to start a new party in the sky! Well hooray, you all say! We need this rain, you say. Well guess what my oblivious friends? You got more than you bargained for! Not only was there torrential rain, but it began to hail! Hail, I tell you, H-A-I-L! (ok- permit this bit of exaggeration, it adds to the drama of my story).

I was none too happy (to say the least), dressed in my long , loose and baggy jeans, a pair of joggers so worn out they have holes (!); not to mention the fact that I did not forsee the need for an umbrella. Not that the umbrellas were of much use...I saw one after another breaking and bending and generally becoming useless after being pummeled by hailstones the size of golfballs. (Ok- I'm exaggerating there.) But seriously, it was like a domino effect! One by one, the umbrellas were going down...I couldn't count how many were in all the bins I passed!

And so I cam home with pruned toes, a numb nose, and clothes that were so heavy they might have fallen off. I wonder if I'll have to go on anti-biotics?

Saturday, May 14, 2005

something about a lost angel

Thursday, May 12, 2005

das Es, das Ich, das Uber-Ich

The Id, the Ego and the Super-ego:

Freudian psychoanalysis...
I just had my Personality Theories lecture, focusing on Freud and his theory of personality. Apparently, his main subject was himself. He frequently studied and analysed his dreams, came up with a theory, then generalised, and applied the general theory to the whole population.

According to Freud, humans have a constant conflict between their Id and their Superego, i.e.- thier desires are always in conflict with their morals. And our defense mecahnisms? Sublimation: desires chanelled into more socially acceptable forms of behaviour. (How does that explain sadomasochism??)And the fact that his theories overemphasis certain bodily functions...what does that say about his dreams??If you asked me, I would say that his should be termed the "Psycho", not the "Psychodynamic", approach.

Hmmm... I wonder if I should go to my Chem lecture?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Breathing space.

Greetings of peace to all (don’t worry, I haven’t turned into Buster Baxter!)

BUT, I salute you all and congratulate you on dumping “Skye”, whom we shall no longer see or hear from. Get used to Flynn (me) because she is now the replacement.
So. I realize that I have been negligent of late, but I will try to improve myself.

The latest updates on me, myself, and my life:

Weekend: The whole, horrible, sleepless weekend was spent in completing my essay for psychology. It is now done, finished, over, gone, and handed in! Congratulate me! YAY!!

Monday: A sleep deprived, zombie-like Flynn made her way to her lectures, but not before almost drifting into oblivion during her Calculus tutorial (I can honestly say that math is a totally new language for me, a prehistoric, ambiguous and useless language at that).

Tuesday: Uni timetable was/is horrible for Tuesdays. 9-5!! I am not a full-time worker! I protest! The agony of standing in lab for 3 hours! Non-stop play with chemicals and gases! Althoug, I have to admit, liquid Nitrogen was the best...I froze my pencil, was dared to freeze my finger, but I wasn't sure if it would do any permanent damage, so I chickened out.

Wednesday: was attacked by a mob of propaganda-spreading, paper-dispensing, screaming and shouting students who were running for the Union! They all said "Vote for ME!" And their primary inducement? "You'll get a free Chupachup if you vote!" They needed to sink that low in order to get first years' votes. So, I manouvered myself around the less commonly used routes in campus so as to avoid all propaganda-spreaders and paper-dispensers. This resulted in more walking, but in the end it was worth it. Also, I had another 3hour lab (I am telling you all, these labs are health hazards!) Ok- it wasn't too bad, we got to play with really cool race cars! (Investigating collisions). Last thing: met a long lost friend on the train!

Right-o: I thnink that about sums up everything I wanted to say in the space of 1000 words or less.

when life directs another interesting dish my way, I'll let you all know.
Cheers all, and good night!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Like flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport...

I wrote this once, a long, long time ago, when I actually had time and energy to philosophise:

"Time and space eventually cease to matter when you begin to question
yourself.What is it that prevents me from perceiving what someone else believes
to be crystal clear?Why is it that freedom and truth and beauty are allowed to
become a commodity, when so many of us suffer from the lack- or rather, believe
that we suffer from a lack of it?"

But I think the most important question is: Who's going to answer my questions?

Well, that's enough for one day, I think. And it is not 7:35 AM, it's past 1 AM (May 6th)!How do I change the timing on my blogs? Where in the world is it 7:35 AM now?Better buzz off now...g'night all.I won't be up until at least 10 tomorrow morning, so don't call me any sooner.