Cheap Way Out
For all those who've sent me Greeting cards or just greetings in general, and for all those who are out of my reach (ie- a whole country/ ocean or two away), I'm really, really sorry, but I'm afraid I have to take the cheap/ easy way out... and wish you all a generic EID MUBARAK on blogger!So here it is: HAPPY...
Ok- I loved the pic, so I just HAD to include it :D
Dunno what happened to the pic... sorry it turned out so demented people.
you know it's the effort that counts. Eid Mubarak to you, too! Be another best dressed someting something... ;)
Say WHAT?!
Lordy, HOW on earth did you find out??
PS "Resentful, vindictive, enigmatic & telepathically talented Bump": do tell... what did you get "the Boy" & ...(the Girl??)? Sorry I couldn't help on Wednesday, but you know what... the two of us aren't exactly the brightest cookies in the jar when it comes to shopping, especially for others. And putting out 2 heads together worked well (note sarcasm).
i happened to find quite a pretty bracelet for the Chic in one of the shops in I'burn. but couldn't think of anything for the Boy, so ended up assigning the Black Forest to him. must keep in mind the suggestions from my suggestion post next eid.
LOL Emu... oh well, cake is an excellent (and not to mention yummy) gift.
PS- please tell me I sent YOU an SMS & not some stranger! I've been getting weird SMS-es from someone I have no wish to know!
"maaf zahir and batin"
Sorry, Em, I don't speak Africaans, so I didn't understand that.
Not sure if Allah has "eased" my studying or if I've taken the liberty of doing so myself... am progressing by the millimeter (and if you live in the states & don't know what 1 millimeter looks like, just know that it's really, really, REALLY tiny). Thanye muchly anyway, Em.
BUT- I DO see what you're at, MR.- trying to ruin my credibility as an English guru (be quite Ash- didn't ask you to say anything!)- by subtle AND blunt means.
That's it! Your name should no longer be PODO... it should be Evil Mastermind (actually, you can have both names)... ;D
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