Little of substance & loads of daydreaming... you may just leave with fewer braincells, so let Slavador Dali be sufficient prior warning:
"I believe will be possible to systematize confusion and contribute to the total discrediting of the world of reality."
Dali, S.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Riley (melodically speaking): "Hello"
DOB: 9th Decmeber 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
20... Anniversary... Guy... Girl/Boy?? Nope- a List!
I've forgotten how to blog.
My title makes no sense, does it?
Wow... this place is a bit too barren & creepy... silence & Flynn don't mesh well.
Let me begin by listing:
- 20! Yes... that's right. Bugger me, I'm 20!! I'm inconsolable... there's no point to life if I'm not a teen. Lord help me, I'm going to have to pretend to have some semblance of rationality and intelligence. (Maybe there's a way out?)
- Of course this means that it's my blog's 2nd Anniversary! Yay! I've successfully neglected my blog for 2 years without forgetting about it.
- Guy... well- shall explain more about him later... yes it is a him (surprise, surprise) & he is now a crucial stepping stone to my future as a psychologist.
- As for the confusion about girl or boy... my aunty is expecting any minute now... dunno if its a boy or girl, but what I do know that I've had more than I can take of babysitting to last the rest of my life! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!! Kill me now! I can't take it much longer!
- And finally- the list. Have made a list of all the things I need/want to do before I begin Uni next year, but I can't be bothered writing it up now... maybe I will later.
Hope there's still life out there...
Be good, be safe & consider yourself lucky if it isn't bushfire season wherever you are.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Extension cords
Currently in a strange hole, where I feel completely isolated from the rest of humanity... strange names everywhere... strange empty roads everywhere... strange busses.
Have told a total of ZERO friends of extended holiday... no special reason, just didn't...
Have realised that Flynn finds baby drool highly disgusting. Shall let you know how the ANUMA & UCMSA Ramadan Event go... was told not to expect much
Ramadan's almost half finished... can't believe it- almost in shock. Hence, must discontinue the bludging & continue with more reading (everyone should read "Even Angels Ask", Jeffery Lang, which I'm reading for the 2nd/3rd time).
I've stopped digging my hole & burying myself in there for a while only because philosophising runs in the family... apparently.
My du'as are with you all (may Allah forgive us).
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thak God You're Here, Rove McManis & Andy (as in, the Hamish & Andy, Andy)
Now before I start raving on and on about nowheresevilles, let me get to the issue at hand.
Normally, these are places where nothing happens within and nobody can really connect to what's happening without. Or so it would seem...
When I scratched the superficial (and seemingly serene) surface of these hole-towns, I discovered that it's actually very disturbing... shootouts & bus stops; shopping & cafes... yep- that's the daily news from the sleepy little towns (Nowheresvilles/ Hole-town).
Onto more important issues: I missed Thank God You're Here!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!
PS- 2/3 (Muslim) comedians are over (from US??) performing in Sydney (24th Nov, I think). I REALLY want to go & USyd Sisters are trying to organise to book seats together... anyone else interested?? (visit or whatever the website is).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
This Be the Life of a Student??
Can this REALLY be the life of a student????
Feeling as though someone has been holding my head underwater & not letting me resurface for a LOOOOONG, much-needed breath of fresh air!!
Have had my Stats Mid-Sem exam (hoping I passed, but I NEED to do much, much, much better); somehow survived my Algebra & Claculus assignments & Tests (credits & distinctions for all so far...YES!! A thousand times Alhamdulillah!! There's just 2 more to go-followed by the final exam :S ); handed in my Lab Report for the shaping of behaviour & effects of schedules of reinforcements on rats ('twas a sad goodbye I had to say to my poor little albino Wistar who was first named B3- the 3rd Banana- then Cicero & finally Gilligan).
I'm so behind on lectures having skipped too many in the last 2 wks.
It's not over yet, though. I've given myself what's called a post-reinforcement pause (a break) just so I don't go completely off-my-rockers!!
Tomorrow, must start my neuroscience assgnmt (should I do hearning loss & it's neural basis, or evidence for the two vision pathways...or maybe the dis/advantages of fMRI??)
Did I meantion my Stats group assgnmt??
I know- how can you POSSIBLY have a 15 minute group presentation for Statistics?? Thank god it's not just 15 mins of reading out numbers & the significance of them... not quite sure WHAT the task it, actually!! :S
Following all that, my exams are coming up in... ohhh 3 weeks... and I know nothing about anything that's even remotely connected to a human brain, or maths... or anything else that i've apparenly studied for the past 3 moths.
BUT- after that, my firends, I'm off to Canberra!!! WHOOOPIE!!!!!
Here's a photo of my favourite Suishy (just to keep me entertained & stress-free) :D Shall eventually realte ALL the absolutely adorable stories of my little Squishy cousin.
Having taken down half the contents off the dressing table & scattered it all over my floor, he gave me his smug little grin. Little did I know that his aim was actually my mobile.
Pint-sized computer engineer...ever met one of those?? You have now! He looks as though he's been at this for yonks, the little bub.
MMMMMMWWWAAAAHHH!! Masha-Allah (times a trillion & 1)!!
He's the most adorably squishy little Squishy, especially when he say : "Wherestheball?" & replies to his own burning question: "Therestheball!"And he says "BallooooM" instead of balloon, which is also extremely adorable.
Such extreme cuteness should be made illegal.
*Sigh*...ok- I'm happy enough now to begin that dreaded essay... and find out exactly what my Group prject is about.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Apostasy: to abandon/leave one's religious/political/other belief.
I haven't been this upset in a LONG time, but...
A revert brother (well, he WAS), has left Islam... and for what?
Well, am not too clear on his reasoning, but it's something to do with his disgust & disillusionment with the Muslim community... at least, those he's come accross. We're supposed to be "the best of natons", which we're clearly not. I'm told that because of our failure to be the best of nations, he's left Islam... I'm talking total apostasy here, folks.
I can only make Du'a that Allah shows him the truth. Not that my friends have given up on him... it's just that things have become complicated for them.
I'm just so sad because I've always seen him as having so much potential...
Helplessness is never a good feeling... instead, I think I'm going to make du'a.
I really need some good news...
Friday, April 14, 2006
Anyway...Ash is home now. I'm sure she'll blog... now that she has access to Broadband.
Ishi, I hope you read this: Tuesday... expect additional "guests", but first & foremost, what/when/where/how & for how long?
Now, to both Emu & Ishi: Wednesday... Grad, then lunch... when/where (maybe we should let specifics of lunch be a surprise to Nira Apu?)???
Thursday, April 13, 2006
AND...the SNOWMAN has a sense of Poetry?? :S
Finally: Ash comes home tomorrow, iA. :D (all those who can must come to visit...or at least call)
Friday, April 07, 2006
A Few Funny Flynn Stories 3
Oh...yes- inside Eastern Ave. Aud...
I was waiting patiently for one set of students to file out of the lecture room, so that I could file in with my fellow Maths students (blrgh!!:$). Coming down the stairs to my left was this friend of mine and some unknown guy. They were having a very animated conversation- the guy looking exTREMEly overjoyed at something & my friend faking an equally ecstatic mood.
And THEN... *shock*, I saw the guy make a lunge for her (ok- I know that sounds bad, but the guy was happy and he was trying to give her a hug of "OMG!! We did it!! *screech*" kinda hug... know what I mean?)
Well, no matter what kind o hug it was, my (hijaabi) friend was clearly very uncomfortable to begin with, but now had a look of disbelief and shock on her face.
A nanosecond before... well-before it happened, I yelled out her name (I couldn't help it, I didn't know what else to do at the time). Both of them turned around only to see this girl grinning very strangely and waving madly at them.
My friend didn't quite know whether to be embarassed at being "caught out", or to feel relieved that she didn't have to go through the full ordeal. At any rate, she practically flew down the last few staris, waving just as frantically at me. She said rushed goodbyes to her companion-of-the-stairs, and pretended that she was going into my lecture with me, which she did...for a little while.
After the initial awkwardness of "should we talk about it or not", we were hard pressed to control our laughter because- seriously- it was SOOO funny.
What does one DO in these awkward, instantaneous and unexpected situations??
I later found out that my friend and her stairs-companion had gotten D (ie- distinction) in a group assignment...hence all the ecstasy.
There might be more Funny Flynn stories to come, but I'll see if I feel like sharing.
Until next time me blogger buddies.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
A Few Funny Flynn Stories 2
That there is my Math lecture theatre. Such a nice place... air con, comfy chairs, good lighting, grass (outside, of course), and even a couple of little water-place-thingos (maybe they're fountains??) Well- that's where one of this morning's incidents occured.
I was seated on one of those huge concrete slabs they call seats... near one of those (what should I call it?) water-holes. All of a sudden, I saw this flying thing go right over my head and land with a splash behind me (I didn't get wet, thank goodness).
Next thing I knew, a bunch of hooligans are laughing and running around asking if anyone'd seen a black thong (as in those rubber/plastic sandals...flip flops...yes those things).
I was trying VERY hard not to laugh because I knew that, nope- 'twasnt a bird nor a plane... it wasn't even superman, but a thong that'd flown over my head.
I "kindly" pointed out that it had landed in the water hole behind me. So the poor dude who'd lost his thong (god only knows how), came 'round and was trying to stretch his leg & fish it out.
It was SO funny, I couldn't help it... I was laughing at the poor guy.
Before I had tears coming out of my eyes, I escaped and made my way into the E.Av.Aud.
Here's where the next funny incident occured. Unfortunately, I can't share that with you now... just think of hugs, a hijaabi, and a VERY awkward situation... oh, and someone lunging at you in sheer ecstasy.
:S...Actually, don't think too much on that last bit.
:D Must be buzzing off now.
Cheers & my salaams to all.
A Few Funny Flynn Stories 1
Friend of mine, Shay, had left her watch at my place. So, I thought I'd give it to her at Uni. I took it in my bag, but that's not the safest place to put fragile, breakable things. So when I got on the train, and before I sat on my bag & crushed her hapless watch to pieces, I decided that it was safer to just wear it until I saw her. I was just about done putting it on when random bloke in front of me turns and says: "Assalaamu alaikum sister, can you please tell me what the time is?" Naturally, I open up my bag and shuffle through until I find my mobile phone, then tell him that it's "10 o'clock".
At this point I epect him to thank me and turn back around to enjoy the train ride. But NO! He was looking at me with this slightly bemused/comic/ "you're-weird" look. And Flynn, not one to be easily intimidated *ahem* raised an eyebrow and gave him a haughty "what-do-you-want-now" look.
And he said: "Ummm... sister. You have a watch." He smirked & turned around, while Flynn was left looking like an idiotic tomato...
& my reply was "...oh...".
Yes- very articulate, Flynn... nice one.
Turns out that the watch was actually set in Egyptian time (since Shay'd only recently come back from Egypt, and not bothered to change the time. Come to think of it, that kind of defeats the whole purpose of wearing a watch). Anyway- too bad I couldn't tell that to the smirking bloke :P.
Note the "1" in the title... it indicates that there's going to be a 2... one hopes.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I'll try to keep it Short & Simple
Parents flew off to Melbourne at the very convenient hour of 5AM this morning.
Last night was hectic:
- Uni: Stat. quiz (very hard, although only 2 questions)...
- Was meant to come home, but the prospect of ice cream at the Quay was too tempting to pass up. And it was SUCH a nice, but not unbearably so... and no rain, thank goodness. Hence, spent the afternoon (after Jumu'ah) at the Quay with DEEEElicious Veronese Choc & Hazelnut icecream (I mean... with friends: Shay, Dreema, Cosmos & later, Lily-flower). MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm... (the icecream, not friends!)
- Watched a guy on a bike do funny things (totally off his rockers, if you ask me, but entertaining nonetheless).
- Also, a bunch of guys (obviously from NZ) just randomly started doing the haka (scary, traditional warrior dance of the Maori's) on the Opera House steps. We all rushed to watch and (I can't believe it) Cosmos, Dreema & Shay were fully prepared to ask for an encore! UNbelievable!! Don't have a pic. of them doing the haka, though :( It would've been a sight...blonde, blue-eyed blokes from NZ making scary faces & generally doing a very good job at performing the haka for a random audience... actually, I though it was kind of funny.
- could I forget the Shay-moment?! She'd just come down from C'town, which is about an hour away (by train) from Circular Quay. Anyway, she hadn't prayed Dhuhr. So we went into the gardens, had a little sit-down, let Lily-flower finish her lunch, when Shay announced that she needed to make wudhu. Searched for a tap somewhere nearby, but there were none, so we (Cosmos, Dreema, Lily & I) took out our half-empty bottles of water, and let her use them, though Shay insited that it wasn't nearly enough water for her. For those who've met Shay, you'll know how pearky & well... loud she can be. For some reason (can't recall what), we were all laughing. In fact, Shay was laughing so hard that she could barely keep water in her hands! And THEN, a tourist tram was coming around to where we were sitting. Dreema'd been pouring the water for Shay when all of a sudden Shay yelled out: "OMG! Quick!! The train's coming!!" The funniest thing was that the tram-driver had heard, and that's exactly why he'd slowed down (with the 20 odd passengers staring) until he came to a complete stand-still. By this time, I was rolling on the grassy ground (literally), laughing so hard that I'd turned red & was having trouble breathing properly. Just our luck... in that instant, a couple of others were walking past where we were sitting... and the fact that they ALL stopped (did a one 180 degree turn) to see what was so funny & why one girl was yelling at another to "Pour the water properly!!" only served to make us laugh harder... LOL- what a girl, and what a day.
- When I finally got home around 6:30 PM, I was informed none too gently- that we were going to be late for dinner (at a friend of my parents' place)... and it was all the way in C'town region (40-45 min. drive fromFlynnland)!! So I barely had enough time to run in, change, pray & run back out again- at 7PM... Half an hr for all that- it's a world record!!
- Barely had enough energy left to walk into the house when we got back, was so exhausted. But after I walked in, had to help Mum pack for her trip to Melbourne... then of course, got up at 5AM to bid her adieu.
- They're set to be back tomorrow, iA...I think.
- Note to self: ring Mum & find out when they're planning to get back.
And that, gentlefolk, be the tale of Flynn's Friday.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Guilty Conscience...
I've GOT to get rid of this guilty conscience somehow... and you lot are going to read my confessions!! (Hopefully, it'll make me feel a bit better).
People... I've been engaging in secret, illegal activities!! I've now become an "agent" ... officially.
It's all your fault! (You know who you are). Why must I feel sorry for people & their predicaments?? I swear, a certain someone had BETTER remember my name... said person owes me precious talk-time (I mean, not for myself, but precious talk-time with someone else)!!
Well- it's nothing serious... Imean- I'm sure to be forgiven if anybody finds out... who can hold a grudge against Flynn...right??
Was also told by someone today:
"you're happy enough being single and carefree and clueless now, but you can be happier, you just dont know it yet"
Powerful words of wisdom, I'm sure... but they're completely wasted on Flynn.
I'm sorry to say, o Dispenser of Wisdom (if you're reading this), that Flynn has no wish to be any happier...
See, I have this theory... if you're VERY happy, then the flip side of the coin is that your going to be VERY sad...VERY soon. It follows the "sine wave" theory that Sara B. came up with for Ishi.
Anyway- that's just me going on and on... better get to work: have a calculus assignment & a Stats quiz to study for.
Don't even get me started on Uni, people... I'm havng panic attacks (well- not really). Can you believe that out of the 4-6 HUNDRED students doing Psych, only 60 are being offered to do Honours??
What are the odds that I'm offered to do my honurs @ USyd?? Credit averages aren't going to cut it... if I don't get a Distinction avg (at least), then there goes my future down the bloody drain.
Oh well, I can always move to ANU with Ash... which would be a problem, because I don't want to leave USyd and all my friends ... and SUMSA *sniff sniff*.
See? I told you Flynn doesn't want to be any happier!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
As I was saying...
Next, we stopped over at ALL the clothes shops & even had a MASSIVE faction-thing happen in Streetgear (clothes store)… one party FOR a blue top that Shay wanted to buy & one party AGAINST. Poor Shay was so confused that it all ended by us laughing over her reaction & her just forgetting completely about the top when her attention was caught by a (and I quote) “totally Egyptian-looking top!!” (In case you’re wondering, she’s very much an Egyptian, and VERY willing to let everyone know about it. Which reminds me, she said to send a MASSIVE salaam to BSE & co. from her, and also to relay the message that Egypt is “THE BEST!!”- Her words, not mine.)
The next incident was over Dreema’s mobile. (Btw- in case you’re wondering, Ishi- this is all after you had to leave). All of a sudden, Dreema realised that she had to call her sister up & ask if she wanted any food from Flynnland. BUT, when she reached for her phone, IT WAS NOT THERE!! We were sitting on these seats at a bus stop (not that we were actually catching a bus or anything- it was just one of our many pit stops). She had one MAJOR heart attack. She even did a distressed little squeaccup (squeaky-hiccup), which only had me rolling on the floor. At the same time, Tiara immediately ran all the way back to the bookstore (which is the only place we stayed long enough for her to have left her phone). Meanwhile, RiffRaff was shouting at Tiara to come back & stop running there because she was just going to call Dreema’s phone in the hope that someone at the bookstore would answer. BUT- her mobile was switched off!! This had Dreema in an even more of a panic because her phone is NEVER off… and the poor girl, I felt for her. I mean- just imagine life without your mobile… DEPRIVED!! I tried calling her phone as well and sure enough, it was switched off.
Just when we were all about to rush back to the store, I heard a little squeal from Dreema, followed by an evil giggle from RiffRaff. IT WAS HER!! RiffRaff! She’d nicked Dreema’s phone when she wasn’t looking. After the initial “OMG! I canNOT believe you, RiffRaff!!”- moments, we just laughed it all off…especially Tiara & Dreema’s reactions.
By this time, it was 6PM, and my folks must’ve thought I’d run away to join some cult (with the rest of my “friends”) because- in their way of thinking- how long can you possibly spend on one street in Flynnland?? And my honest answer: HOURS…literally! Especially when you’re with the girls…well, those girls.
The idea behind this whole day was to show Syriana the whole Muslim community-thing, which she’s never seen before. Did I mention she’s an exchange student from the US (Tennessee) here to study for a semester?? Well-now I've told you, and she is.
My mission for the day accomplished, I was ready to head home (plus my folks had called wondering which cult I’d joined…not seriously, of course). Just then, we all realised that ‘Asr time was running away from us… so, consensus: girls wanted to come over to my place, pray & leave. Called Mum, let her know that I was bringing an army of my friends ‘cause they needed to pray…just so she didn’t get a shocker.
Honestly, the walk that normally takes 10 mins when I’m walking at my slowest pace, took us about 30 mins!! Unreal!! Gotta be a world record! We finally made it just in time to pray ‘Asr, but after we’d finished, we sat around chatting, whilst everyone pretended that they were getting ready to leave… Before we knew what’d happened, it was Maghrib time…
Where the time flies, I’ll never know! So prayed Maghrib as well, after which the girls started to get threatening calls on their mobiles (from concerned parents, of course).
And that was that- they left for the station, and each made her own way home…poor Shay had the longest way to go.
Of course, no friend of mine comes over without leaving a trace of themselves: Tiara left her ring & Shay her watch…so typical.
PS- TeaBiscuit: if ever you get the chance to come (even for a semester) to USyd, seriously do so… it’d be “awesome”! We’d shout you lunch, as well. Oh, and Charlie is all Cheered!! :D
PPS- Ishi, you’ve been invited to “Movie Night” (or day) at Syriana’s dorm & ice-cream at the Quay… and we’ve got to go visit her dorm sometime soon.
PPSS- Emu: Sorry, couldn’t make it to your place this time…shall come another time, iA- probably on a Friday… which is when you’re free, right??
AND finally- where on earth is Sara B??? I’ve not seen her the ENTIRE week *shocked*!! So much for my mentoring…
Friday, March 24, 2006
WARNING: Looooong post below!
Seriously- I’ve had a VERY good day… it wasn’t anything totally out of the ordinary, but something just so ordinary that I’ve become one very happy Flynn!! (Or that may be a consequence of all the “V” I’ve consume…what with all that caffeine & sugar…)
So- it all began after I finished my Stats tute. Since my tute room is 2 doors down from the Musallah, guess where I end up before & after my tute? Yep- where all the fun begins…
Shay (the Original, the Little One) was there, with Cosmos, & Ishi (of the Brains) came in a few secs later. SO I sat & got some work done (I’m sort of happy with my focus…well-at least for today- just pray it lasts). Hmm… maybe I should mention that I missed my lect. (but it’s ok- I copied Little Shay’s notes, so I’ve caught up & it doesn’t count as slacking off).
Just as a little aside- met this cool as Japanese chick (forgotten her name, *blushes*) & she’s totally cool because she’s so interested in Islam. The Little One, Shay is doing an excellent job of filling her in on the basics, Alh. Did I ever mention how much fun Shay is?? She’s such a bag full of bubbly/ fun/ exciting/ original energy…LOVE that girl- she can cheer up a Scrooge in his/her direst moment- no joke! Just adorable… everyone should have a friend like her- I highly recommend it.
Anyway- now, moving onto the next exchange/international student I’ve introduced myself to: Syriana Clooney. Another “awesome” chick (picture Flynn saying “awesome” with a VERY American accent). Syriana Clooney is studying for a Semester at Usyd (so awesome!!- something she’d say) & was only recently introduced to THE GIRLS in the Musallah. Carefree, fun-loving, & a very cool girl in general.
To give her a true Aussie-SUMSA welcome, we decided to shout her lunch (actually- it was Tiara & RiffRaff who planned it)… I just followed along- tell you why in a bit. Huge plan-time/ decision-making about where to take her (with one thing in mind- somewhere with a fairly large Muslim community): Auburn?? Too far for some. Bankstown?? Nothing much to do/look at, except shopping- and she’s already done loads of that. So, we decided on the one and only place to be if you’re looking for a large Muslim community: Flynnland. See? That’s why I decided to tag along! (Flynnland isn’t the actual name of the suburb, but in the interest of maintaining anonymity & security, I’ve dubbed it Flynnland, because- wonder of wonders- Flynn lives there!)
Oh, the RiffRaff DRAMA that followed the eight of us (Sunny, Cosmos, Dreema, Tiara, Shay, Ishi, Syriana & Flynn) all the way from Redfern to Flynnland!! Homestly! RiffRaff can be SO ambiguous sometimes. But I’ve sort of learned to expect this from her… it’s very unusual not to have a RiffRaff moment when going out with her. Unfortunately, Ishi was in for a bit of a surprise… she likes to be well organised, and for everything to be well-timed; whereas RiffRaff sort of goes where the current takes her.
And the actual ordering of lunch was another fiasco! Some wanted Indo, some Chinese, some Curry & some Lebo food… so what was a girl like Flynn to do? Well, in the worst-case scenario, I’d have gone home (a ten min. walk away) & had home-cooked lunch, which I REALLY didn’t want because I knew it’d be something curry-like :S blrgh!
Fiasco eventually played out to a smooth finish: Ishi & Cosmos got Indo, then followed the rest of us to Le Rouche for a YUMMY AAASSSS meal of Lebanese food. $8 & I felt like someone had stretched my stomach to explosion point: was VERY satisfying after 2 hrs. of starvation.
Too soon, Ishi had to make a dash for home (as it takes her over 1 hr to get to her place from Flynnland). We weren’t even half-way through our meal, but after we finished, Cosmos had to leave. And after we lost 2 of our crew, we decided to wander around Flynnland…
To be continued...else the post shall have no end!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Eeerrrr- right you are, folks…
I pray for Light
NTC: 18/03/06 (It's Copyrighted people... no stealing of NTC's intellectual merchendise!!)
I seek the Mercy of the One, who never forgets,
I seek Truth, Knowledge and Understanding from One who always delivers,
I ask for Insight and Patience from One who gives beyond measure,
I ask for the Protection and Contentment that only such a One can give.
I am weak, often led astray, misguided, and heedless.
I forget, I err, let go of hope too often and too soon.
I sometimes lose faith, reason, morality and my conscience.
This is who I am, and yet I am more…
I am also loved, sheltered, rewarded and blessed.
I am watched-over, cared-for and listened-to.
Night and day, I am reminded, urged & encouraged
That I am here for the One and Only,
And such a One is here for me.
I pray for Light from One whose guidance is steady and true.
Have just experienced Freak Storm of such tumultuous & epic proportions that I feel scarred for life, at least as far as my psyche and ability to think clearly for the next ten years are concerned. (Hence, the weird string of words put together by an unknown, NTC- not to worry, I have NTC’s FULL permission, so no copyright violations, folks).
As I was saying… ain’t nothin’ like venting, they say… well- sure. There’s really nothing like venting, if it’s directed at nobody in particular, but when Freak Storm vents & when Freak Storm vents AT someone in the vicinity… we-hell…
Could’ve sworn me eardrums had a bloody roller coaster ride; could’ve sworn that 2 more seconds, and my brains would’ve been addled for life; could’ve sworn that my heart would either stop dead in its tracks or beat at super sonic speeds, then explode for all to witness… yep- all in all- I was scared. Deathly scared. Scared I would never be able to withstand another vent-session from another Freak Storm moment.
Somehow, o lost and confused readers, I survived. Whew… but once a storm blows across your land, be weary and alert because another will surely follow… in a decade or 2 (one hopes).
And in other Flynnland news: life of the Uni student BITES!! Just 2 weeks, and the pressure is on, mates… the pressure is ON!!
Also, Dan Brown & “his” DaVinci Code is too good to be true, someone else beat him to it… and to top it all off- it was his wife (Blythe something-or-other) who did all his research for him!! Men- can’t trust ‘em with much, can ya? Actually, not that whats-‘er-name (his wife) did a good job at plagiarising… has she not heard of the age-old, primary school technique called “cover your tracks”?! (You could replace that last word with something more crude, but I won’t).
PS- If you've got no idea what I'm on about, then you should really keep up with the times, and to help, here's what I'm talking about:
The key to "The Da Vinci Code"? Dan Brown's wife
They might, however, just get away with it- since they did manage to rake in billions in profit…I doubt they’re givin’ it all away to a couple of blokes who didn’t have enough brain cells left to publicise THEIR work well enough. Ah well, unless the billions are comin’ my way, I see no reason to care enough & actually feel any sort of sympathy for either party.
Speaking of sympathy and brain cells… let’s move on to the Games in Melbourne. Ok **deep breath**- Who can explain the duck to me (the duck at the Opening Ceremony, that is)?? Hmmm?? Any takers?? I mean- Delta Goodrem, koalas, unreal costumes, weird, wonderful and inexplicable doohickie-thingamabobs and even the flying tram, I get… but the duck. For the love of Melbourne… A DUCK??!! Now, everybody who watched Melbourne in all its glory is going to think that, along with the Emu (no, not OUR Emu), Koala, Kangaroo & other iconic creatures, the duck is- somehow- a very significant bird to all Aussies. Eeerrrr- right you are, folks…
Note to Self:
I really, really, REALLY hope there’s no more going down in this bottomless pit. That’s it- I’m closing my eyes and ears now!!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
What?? Is this Uni????
Errmm- the "too cool" thing would be the training (or Shaping, if you wanna get technical) of rats/mice/rodents. Sounds a bit icky, but I'm also kind of excited- & no, I'm not lame, just excited. We're learning about Instrumental Conditioning (read: teaching rats to "learn new tricks", in a manner of speaking) & well, along with the theory & examples of all the brilliant psychologists (Skinner, Pavlov, etc) we get to actually test out these theories ourselves... well- that's the shortened long version, but here's the shortened short version: I need names for my rats (preferebly unisex... cant be sure if they're going to be fe/male & probably wont be told).
Other things:
HELP ME (with Stats)!! The lecturer was explaining that the little (superscripted) 2 next to the "x" means that its "x-squared", which means that its "x" multiplied by itself.
Jumping Jellybeans!! Am I a second year?? Wait- am I a Uni stdent at all????
After the lecture, (which, by the way, is at 4PM... & Flynn becomes RUST-ay) Shay2, Fruity, HorseRoofs & I spent 15/20 mins breaking into hysterical giggles & random spurts of laughter. We could NOT believe the lecture we'd just suffered through. I'm actually looking forward to Stats becoming somewhat more intellectually stimulating.
Brain & Behaviour is better *relieved sigh*... I actually write notes (a totally new thing for me).
Sadly- I only just figured out that nothing will feel like first year, ever again. I remember back in the days of my 3 hr. Chem Lab sessions with Sandals, HorseRoofs, Rabzzz, Fairy-al, The Original Shay & Skaterboy + Inconspicuous Partner... tedious, but a lot of good memories.
I hardly see those girls any more. I have yet to bump into Rabzzz, our timetables are sooo different & Skaterboy + Inconspicuous Partner have disappeared altogether.
Ideally- I'd like to go back to yr-4/5 in Primary School... the carefree days of not knowing much of anything, yet thinking that I know enough of everything.
Should sleep, mateys.
But before I do, WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYBODY??!!?? You've all gone and ditched me!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
And you question me for being a cynic??
Firstly: Where on earth is Autumn hiding??!! Blimey!! It was almost 40 degrees yesterday... and what's the weather gonna be like for winter? 30- 35 degrees, average?? We should all just get fried and be done with it!!
Moving right along...
Just this morning I was woken up by a friend in panic. Sort of like the hyperventilating-I-was-nearly-run-over-by-a-truck-doing-200kph kind of panic. And she had news of the worst kind.
A friend of mine (or more along the lines of "a friend of a friend") had a miscarriage not 2 weeks ago (can't and won't say names). BUT- only a week afterwards, she goes straight back to work. And she says she's remorseful, but when I saw her and had a chat to her & her husband, it seemed that the poor guy was more devastated than her... in fact, she seemed very ... errrmmm- ugh! I know this is going to sound evil, but she seemed happy to loose the kid.
Blrgh... I'm disgusted, but I'm sooooo serious. I mean, god woman!! Your job be damned!! And THEN......................... don't say it, don't say it, don't say it.............................
She got me so mad and frustrated and shocked that I stood there, in front of her... in utter silence, with one of my famous "lost looks", the look that Sara B. calls my "I-don't-understand-what-you're-saying-but-that's-not-my-fault" look. Suffice to say, I feel so bad for her husband... the things that girl gets up to... I'm amazed she's married at all!! I don't dare say any more... and hopefully I'm going to put this WAAAAY out of my mind in... hmm- I'll give it 3 days.
So that was that done a couple of weeks ago (or so I thought). Turns out (and this is what said friend in Panic called to tell me) that the Superficial-Space-Cadet friend of mine has just gone right back into her old routine... and she's pulling the younger, more impressionable girls down with her.
If only you lot couldve seen me... bleary-eyed , yet fully awake, punching holes into my perfectly good notebook, about to pull out my hair and just plain very angry in general. There we were, Friend in Panic & Flynn... but said friend wasn't done with the divulging of her shocking secrets... she had more.
Yet another "friend" of mine has been up to her old tricks again... only this time, it's worse, MUCH, MUCH worse.
I TOLD Freind in Panic that I didn't want to know... in fact, it's only when I insisted that I REALLY don't want to know, that she told me everything.
Dear god, I want to retain what little sanity I have left in me!!
Why is it that whenever I tell people "I DON'T want to know!", only then do they think to tell me of all the terrible things that happen to people & all the mindless things that "friends" of mine get up to??!!??
That's it- I've given up... I officially wash my hands off this bussiness of stressing for people who can't see passed their noses!! And I'm announcing, officially of course, that I'm no longer expending emotional energy for people who can't think beyond two seconds from now. In short- I'm through with being a "friend", but shall be, from now on, a mere associate... and don't try to convince me otherwise!!
I can't help these people anymore... I just can't! I've tried... I really have.
Ok- that's all... I am no fit to sleep again.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Anyone have any idea what this diseas is???
God help me... and just before Uni starts, no less.
Still spring cleaning, but decided to take a 2/3 day break...
Jumping Jellybeans!! Forgot to mention The Emu & her antics. The poor girl was stranded on a friend-less Island (her Uni) for her O-week, and decided to call me up, then decided that she wanted to come by my place. So she got here, but the house (ie- my room) was a complete DANGER zone & I was being a horribly graceless host. I did, however, get her hooked on The Emperor's New Groove...very funny cartoon movie thing- so that's one thing accomplished. Of course, no visit from the Emu can be complete without a distinctly Emu trademark left behind.
On her way out, guess what she discovered somewhere on my driveway?? A stray bird. That's right- the Emu found a Budgie, walking around our driveway, and naturally- she being The Emu- decided that poor thing needed nutturing, and so took him home... in a shoebox... on the train. Lol- Emu- you never cease to amaze me with your antics. (PS- have yet to check your blog for updates).
Went to Uni today... got my timetable...*sniff sniff*. Horribubble!! It gets worse: Ishi & Cosmos have 2 DAYS off!! AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! NOT FAIR!!
I dont have a single day off! AND- I have only ONE STUPID lecture on Tuesday- from 4-5PM! Someone tell me what possible motivation I can have to attend that lecture...every week... *sigh*.
On a brighter note: Look at the cutest little bundle of joy- my newest cousin (I think)... & her name's Imaani... isn't she sweeeet?
That's it from me, folks. Don't expect to read too much on this after Uni starts.
AHHH!! OMG- nearly forgot to mention. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Sara B. (the floppy, carefree, Charlie) THE Sara B. has transferred to my Campus! YAY!! I'm so happy. My physics-plant-beverage-drinking buddy is (hopefully) going to be in my math classes.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Maybe its the weather??
Did I mention that I've come down with a VERY weirdly confusing illness? Haven't stopped feeling dizzy & light-headed since last night... can't eat without feeling like I need to chuck it all up again, so I haven't eaten since yesterday arvo (hmmm- maybe you lot didn't need to know that).
So, Miss Brainiac, unless I'm better by tomorrow morning, I can't promise that I'll show up for O-week. Sorry... don't worry, I'll let Deniz know sometime Wednesday.
PS- the new look? I felt like a change, but for some reason- the stupid sidebar is aaaaalll the way at the end of the page. Any ideas as to how I can fix it? Or is it just my dizziness confusing me?? Am I the only one seeing things??
Gotta buzz seeing as I'm a very busy bee today (spring cleaning... in the middle of summer).
Friday, February 24, 2006
Is it all in the Name??!?
Was just checking my hotmail, when I find this email from someone named Nadia or Nadine or Natalie... or something (and scarily enough, it's not in my junk), and the horrible message goes something like this:
Hi ******* (insert my name), I was looking for someone like you. I think you're a really hot guy!
**wiping tears from eyes**
I swear- this is the EXACT wording of the email.
I don't get it... what about me says that I'm a guy?? It can't possibly be the name, Flynn.... can it?!
Soooooo hilarious!!
Anyway- onto the news of the week. Been very busy. Monday- went to Usyd with Ishi & Rabz, got our IDs & enrolment stuff sorted. Speaking of IDs- does anyone else have absolutely horrid ID photos?? In my Uni ID card, my face looks as though it's been well pumped with helium- it's swelled to enormous proportions!! :S And in my USydUnion card, I look like a Death Eater, fresh out of Death Camp... deadly (I'm ready to kill) looks & all included. YUUUUUCK!!
Moving onto Tuesday: Spent most of the day at Ishi's (with Emu). The train ride there was uneventful, but the train ride back: OMG!! Can you say FREAKY?! I get the shudders every time I think about Tuesday arvo on the train from Livo to Flynnsville (where I live).
I came across the oldest tricks in the FOB book on how to pick up a chick with a PR or Citizenship. Lord help me- he (didn't get his name, but let's call him jerk/leech/moron/freak/ etc) took out a photo of his "wife". BUT:
1) it was a black & white printout on an A4 sheet of paper... (I wasn't supposed to fall for it, was I??)
2) the photo was soooooo obviously from a random website (the little copyright sign was on!)- like DUH! How thick can you get?? (Unless of course, he married a BD saree model?).
3) He was SO obviously trying to weasel as much info out of me, as he could (mostly, I turned up my MP3 player, then asked him to repeat & gave a reply along the lines of "I don't know"). Lol- at one point, he asked (in Bangla) where I live & my reply: "I really don't know". And all he did was nod & say "Accha, accha"... I was sooo tempted to laugh in his face & then get up & go, but I was stuck in my seat because a funky smelling old man had fallen asleep beside me.
The most unbelievable thing was, at one point, he even tried to cajole my Dad's name out of me. Apparently, he & my Dad had "run into each other a few times" [errrrrr- no!], and according to him, he'd seen me in somewheresville before [eeerrrrrrrrr- double NO!!]. Moreover, he claimed that we'd meet again, undoubtedly & that he'd inform my Dad that we'd met.
The scariest thing was that this man is like a hundred & one years old!! He could almost be my Grandad!! (slight exaggeration there).
Seriously, what was WRONG with him?? I was TOTALLY ignoring him (my MP3 was on so loud, I bet he could hear it) and every time he asked a question & looked at me for an answer, I was like: "Sorry? what was the question??" & then ... "Oh, I have no idea."
Maybe I should've left my seat, but hey! I GOT THERE FIRST!! I was sooooo ticked off at the MORON of the century that I alternated between raising one eyebrow at him, glaring & turning my whole body around to look out the window. But I was NOT vacating my seat because of some insolent leech who refused to take the million & one hints that I was giving him to bloody get lost!!!
Maybe I should have said: "Can you like, not talk to me?!" or something more along the lines of "I'm like, totally going to spew if you don't shut your filthy mouth!!"
Seriously- I came this close to saying something along those lines, when Emu FINALLY got the SMS I sent her & gave me a call. UGH! The whole scenario was such a disaster!! I didn't even have enough credit on my phone to prank Emu!!
But I have now learnt my lesson- if ever I come across one of their species, EVER again- I'm going to turn into nasty Flynn & tell them to shove off or I'd spew in their face!
Ahem... sorry about that, folks. I was all riled up from just thinking about it.
Wenesday: went to UNSW with a traitor of a friend who transfered there from USyd. Went around with her pretending to be a UNSW all the free chocolate & iced green tea (YUM) & fairy floss & loads of other stuff.
Thursday: was sooooooo exhausted that I did little work & too much of nothing-but-sitting-around.
Finally, today: Shall be heading to Central to pick Ash up from her bus stop. But before that I MUST remember to get the newspaper thing that Nira Apu asked me to get.
& now: it's a hot day- no sign of the winter to come...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
But there seems to be no "beautiful" way to put this...
Today, I found out that my Grandma (my Dad's Mum) died.
I don't know what to say or think...
What I do know is that I'd never met her, but perhaps I will... so now, I hold out hope that she & I may meet in Heaven someday, Allah willing.
Please make Du'a for my Dadi, a lady who suffered her share of tragidies in this dunya, but now has been called back to her Lord. Pray that she is forgiven her sins & does not suffer in the next life.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Again- the Suggestion?!?!
I, as in Flynn, would like to edit the unedited version of the DVD taken in BD.
BUT- in order to edit, I need suggestions on things like background songs, any parts/footage that holds special meaning to those who were there, anything you lot (ie- the lot who was there) DON'T want to have included in the edited version.
PS, BSE- I was thinking of sending the finished copy to you, but little birdies have been telling me that you're off to Egypt. Does that mean, you're not going to be able to watch it??
And Ash, I guess I'll have to wait until you're here next weekend to have you harass me about which parts I should or should not include... no doubt you'll be reminding me that Hasbi Rabbi & Mu'allim MUST be included in the final copy.
Has the whole world gone & died... or are people just ignoring me??
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Fake Lakes, but that's old news
I'm fuessig I have about 10mins before she comes rushing in here to tell me to get off the computer & do something constructive with my time... not to waste my life (or something along those lines)... Yes, Mum- I'll get to that in a minute. First I have something more important to share.
Let me just tell tell you now that Canberra= less people, but more (and bigger) insects- including flying spiders (YIPES!!)- BUT it's also too planned. This is where the fake lakes come in. See- Canberra's like the center for all embasies & where the PM & hid parliament people hang out & that... so the whole city is planned, with a capital P! The lakes were artiicially made (some with a teeny little island in the middle (nicely decorated with trees & flowers & maybe even some fake birds... who knows). There are sooooo many round-abouts that Mum complained of getting dizzy instead of lost in the city.
Well- it was a nice place- and to demonstrate, here's the view from Ash's (new & temporary) room:
And here's a glimpse of her room... and the rest of the house she's living in (which is not actually her house, but she's just living with a mate of my Mum's):
that's her table & chari...oh-wait- that's not her chair- that's the borrowed one (anyway... not important)
One of the doors that lead to the backyard... nice isn't it??
The dining room... dont ask about the mess on the top of it- it wasn't me- I swear!!
The frontyard looks like a dream, especially after it's been sprikler-ed... all shimmery & sparkly...
On more important news- news that concerns Flynn's extended family, esp those in UK... hint, hint BSE- I need help & suggestions:
Monkey Uncle & Aunty (from the U.S.) has sent us (finally) all hte footage from the "Reunion" (as I refer to it) in BD. So, I've decided to get started straght away on the editing & hopefully I'll be able to finish it off before Uni starts (5th March, if I recall correctly)- or at least by the end of the first week of Uni.
Anyway- I need HEAPS of suggestion for songs (think reunion/family themes... and maybe just sings that sound nice in general). ALso, if anyone (*ahem* Ash, Snowy, BSE) has any little moments that they think MUST be included in the edited "Trip to BD/ Reunion-Thing", then speak now or forever hold your peace.
PS- EMu, if u get a chance to call before nxt Tuesday, pls do... hopefully I'll be at home. & Ishi- you were supposed to call by now... what happenind?? And what's happening with our plans to get Uni official thing done & out of the way??
This is one happy Flynn, signing out :D
Friday, February 10, 2006
I was STARVED without the net (for over 8 days)!!
BUT- had a GREAT mini-holiday in Canberra... looking after Ash, who shall tell you all about ANU, Med-student life & all the rest... oh-yeah... I had LOADS of fun, typed up some blog entries on Ash's laptop (my life-saver). I'll post those later, when I have time & when I get some sleep.
Fake Lakes, people! (That'll be my next blog)...
Btw- I missed blogging & the mini-blogger-nation here SOOO much!!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
A Home Again :D
My house has become my home again... & not the empty (though sometimes very satisfying) shell it had been for more than 2 months.
What I'm trying to say, in my round-about way, is that Ash, Snowy & Mum are BACK!! (Must admit that half the excitement comes from the fact that they brought back loads of DVD's, which I really wanted, and which I shall spend my month alone watching over & over again- with no Ash, Snowy or Dagz to stop me).
Can't blog much more than this... have the C'towm Program on Sunday, and preparation is still practically at a stand-still.
BUT- been listening (engrossed) to the tales from BD.
Poor Ash & Snowy... they can't listen to "Hasbi Rabbi" without thinking of Mad Cow (& then reminiscing); they can't have dahl without thinking of Raiyan; can't get over the "Family National Anthem"- the Danish (pronounced Dannish) song... lol- just heard the little tyke (Arif) sing it for us on the phone; they hear "Saw" & think of the night BSE, Raiyan, Mr. & Mrs. C & they spent half the night watching it.
We've shuffled through the 100 odd photos about 50 odd times already... each time accompanied by Ash's (or Mum's or Snowy's) telling & re-telling of the captured event.
'Tis all I've time for now... will be back after the 29th to blog better, iA.
Gotta buzz now.
PS- WELCOME BACK PRINCESS & LAMZITY!! Can't wait to see y'all!
PPS- Ash has updated her blog & promises (yes- your words, Ash not mine) to post more (possibly photos... some of the more memorable ones). And you've no right to complain about no comments from Flynn on yer blog, when you've not commented on mine!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Locked out, Wandering temporarily homeless, aaaand Ash returns soon
Crikey!! Had awful, awful, AWFUL Saturday... and Friday too, I guess. Allow me to start from the beginning...
Friday: Uncle & Aunty S's kindly neighbour calls... gives the terrible news that Cops have smashed through their door, and says someone needs to check what's happening. Dad rushes over, checks out extent of damages... and doesn't return home. So, left with no other choice, and armed with cans of airfreshener, Nemo & I walk ourselves to their place. Oh, the entrance... the memorable entrance... suffice to say: "AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!! KILL ME NOW!!" Me nose felt distincly flakey... I could have sworn parts of it were disintegrating into non-existence. Oh, the stench... the putresence. **shudders** I think we used 3 cans of air freshener & 1 or 2 plug-ins.
Saturday: Door fixed. Great- we think- but not so great, as it turned out. made our way back to Uncle & Aunty S's (Dad was busy, left home after Fajr & not back 'til 11PM). More air freshener... Also needed some major grocey shopping done (I mean, we didn't even have cheese at home!!) + junk supplies were pathetically low. So, went emergency shopping. Was almost at the check-out conter... opened my bag to reach for wallet... found NOTHING!!
Bugger me, I nearly had a heart attack right there... I, being the imbicilic lost-case that i am, had forgotten my wallet... on my coffee table AAARRRGGGHHH!! Blast! Anyway, so no shopping for me... but worse was yet to come. Guess what my wallet has attached to it??
My keys... as in the keys that allow me access to my own home... as in we were locked out!!
My stupidity knows no bounds... *sigh*. 'twas the worst day in such a long time.
Moving on... matters took a turn for the worst yet again. You see, I had Uncle & Aunty S's keys in my stupid little bag, so we (that is, Nemo & I) made our way over to that house...again... thought we'd at least have refuge there. (Did I mention that by this time, it was Maghrib?? And we'd been walking around the whole day...)
Anyway, we got there, I took out the keys... everything was fine, until we got to the newly installed door... none of the keys we had would open a lock on that blasted door!!
And so, we wandered around in the almost-dark, in a neighbourhood that is errrmmm... unsavoury (for want of a better word). Not to mention that both our legs were about to buckle & cave in. On top of it all... we had yet to call our Dad. Oh boy- the call didn't go well. Was dubbed "pagol", "trouble-maker" & everything in between :(
Finally, was instructed by Dad to seek refuge at a friends place... and had to intrude until 11PM, when Dad finally came home... so he could yell at me some more.
**sigh**...*huuuuge sigh* ...
I NEVER want to go out of my house again... home, sweet, beautiful home... except maybe to get Ash from the airpot.
Hmm... Anyone have any suggestions for how to attach a wallet to myself?? Y'know so I don't ever leave home without it?? Superglue doesn't seem like the best option...
Friday, January 13, 2006
(I just can't believe) Small deeds that are overlooked (can you see?) Little deeds that are overlooked (and you read) Read about it in my Holy Book...
Title: Small deeds, by Native Deen (the lyrics are stuck in my head)
News: Cops had to smash through my Uncle's door today. He's overseas & must've left perishables in his fridge or outside or something because apparently neighbours complained to the cops & the cops, being as smart as they are, smashed through the front door, instead of checking to see if he has any relatives (like us, for example) to see if we had any keys.
Maybe they thought Uncle & Aunty S. were trying to poison the neighbourhood with bad smells...Lol.
What I don't get is why the neighbour who called us after the police broke in couldn't just call us before anybody was genius enough to smash through the doors... shees!!
Dad's gone to check the extent of damages done... I'm wincing at the thought of having to tell Uncle S. about his poor door... Yipes!! What if Dad makes me break the horrbile news?? :S
Anyway- to cheer myself up, I was listening to Native Deen & drooling over some gorgeous specimens of pure man-made genius, & so completely unattainable (for Flynn) ...

Firstly, there's the Ferrari F430 Spider. I never thought of myself as a Ferrari kinda gal, but... after looking at this soon-to-be-released hunk of metal, well... Nemo & I were both left choking on whatever food we were trying to eat.
Then there's the Porsche Carrera GT...

Lastly, the Lamborghini Concept S...
Not sure if this is me, but then again- I don't have something near AU$4/500, 000 to roll around in, now do I? (This, btw, is the approximate cost of each of these beauties) *sigh* Oh, and an FYI: Did anybody know that the Italian Police use Lamborghini's as their police cars?? *amazed & jealous*. No fair!! I should move to Italy & join the police force :D
I think a more practical car for some time in the (hopefully) near future for Flynn happens to be the Yaris YRX...
...not as attractive as the rest, but a nice hunk of junk nonetheless... and the best part is that I can actually think about affording it at a nice $21,000 (Approx.)
PS- to those reading and wondering how many screws Flynn has lost... I just thought you should know that I'm not a luxury-car-addict... I simply appreciate the finer things in life. I guess cars are my on-again-off-again fetish... kind of... but I'm NOT obsessed... seriously.
Anyway... so what think you lot?? You like?
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Rashed Bhai & Jharu Bhai... and Dhabol??
You'll never believe it!!!!
Called BD last night to have a chat to family & found out the most amazing/ exciting/ unbelievable news: Nira Apu is to be married... VERY SOON!! Her wedding is on the 13th January... which is like 2 days away... YAY!! Alhamdulillah!!
Ash was telling me how she got a call from one of the twins, who told her that Nira APu was getting married to someone... it seems all sudden because even Twin #2 couldn't tell us much about Nira's-hubby-to-be. All I know is that he's a Doctor- *ahem*- and very Islamic, and... that's all. Apparently, Aunty & Uncle went, they saw, they liked, they agreed, and it was done!!
Straight away I SMS-ed Emu & Ishi (btw- Ishi, you still haven't called to find out the details). Anywway, it was after midnight, and I'm sorry if I woke either of them up, but it couldn't be helped... I was soooo excited & happy for her that I HAD to share the news!!
:D :D
:D :D
Now, Flynn is all smiles and very hyperactive!!
The sad thing is that Ash most probably won't be able to go to her wedding (it's somewhere in some village VERY far away from Dhaka)... BUT, Snowy & Mum might be able to go to the reception which should be in Dhaka. Ash'll be back in Oz-land by then... bummer.
Ok- now to explain the title...
Snowy hasn't experienced BD-style Eid-ul-Adha before... as far as she can remember. So, she's thrilled to have a new pet goat & a cow. For reasons she hasn't told me, she named the top half of the cow Rashed Bhai, and the bottom half Jharu bhai... :S ... Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I checked, weren't all cows females?? And yet, she's dubbed her cow Rashed & Jharu bhai??? And her goat's name is Dhabol... what the????? I didn't even bother to ask her to explain this one. Righto Snowy, you go ahead & explain how you came up with these names... I'd looooove to know.
Anyway- as long as she's having the time of her life feeding the goat/ cow, it's all good... and she is having a ball, but that might all change when the cow & goat're gone... poor thing, I hope she isn't too traumatised.
Anyway- well- there you have it... I've rambled quite enough now, and I can't WAIT until Nira APu comes back as a Mrs.!! She is coming back, though... right??
Monday, January 09, 2006
Eid Upcoming!
I must say, this HAS to be the most... errmmm unique Eid I've had. Half the family overseas, kindly neighbours "donating" food, as though I can't even cook 2 min. noodles for myself! Hmph!!
Gimme soooome credit... I can pull off a few dishes (maybe not the curries- they're too hard), but other stuff. I swear I can!! But these kindly neighbours, who've appointed themselves our (Dagz & my) temporary-food-providers probably think I don't even know where, in my house, the kitchen's located... I'm sure they mean well.
Anyway, on the menu: tandoori chicken, biriyani, the rooti/bread-thing, salad, some lamb-curry-type-thing I don't know the name of, the whats-it-called, spring rolls & tiramisu for dessert! Love the dessert (and I've already claimed most of it to be mine), can (and probably will) eat the tandoori & the bread-thing, & everything else... well- the guests can have it all!
Eid Mubarak y'all...